The Journey to a Little One to Call Our Own

One gal's experiences dealing with IF, pregnancy, the birth of our first son, parenthood, and doing it all over again with our second son... here is our journey.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

23 Weeks!

Time just flies when you're having fun. We closed on our house on Friday morning, and we are so in love with our new house. We moved all of our stuff out of our storage units yesterday, and start the deep cleaning process today. Mr. D's sister and brother-in-law, parents and my parents came over to check the place out yesterday afternoon. They were our first official house guests :) We have boxes and furniture piled in the kitchen and garage - waiting to put any furniture on the carpets until the carpet cleaners can do their work on Friday.

It's been a great week for pregnancy (who am I kidding - I have had the easiest, most fun pregnancy... knock on wood that it continues that way!). We hit 23 weeks yesterday, and I am still shocked that I am even pregnant, let alone over 1/2 way there. Each day is a blessing :)

Best Moment of the Week: Closing on our new house that we will raise our family in! We picked up our baby furniture yesterday, so imagining what it will all look like, put together in his room, is pretty surreal.

Entertaining Question/Comment of the Week: "What are you going to name him?" We have a list of about 3 top names, but we are dedicated to not sharing with anyone. This drives my mother insane. But even if we were sharing, we honestly don't know yet. Of the three top names (which have been on our boy list forever), there are two that are rising to the very top. I don't think we'll pick between the two until little man arrives.

Obsessions: Getting the house ready for us to move the rest of our day-to-day belongings (i.e: bed, toothbrushes, food, etc.) next Saturday, 4/23. After that, my obsession will be getting the nursery put together :)

What I am Most Looking Forward to This Week: Continuing to grow, continuing to feel little man move, and getting the house in order.

What I Miss the Most: Wine. My parents, Mr. D's parents, Mr. D, and I went out for dinner last night, and there were glasses of wine ordered. Dang, did the merlot smell GOOD.

Symptoms: Same as last week. In addition, my stomach has started sprouting some lovely HAIR. That's right, HAIR on my belly - next to my belly button and all over. It's light and kinda fuzzy, but REALLY?! I asked my Dr. about it this week, and she laughed. Basically, she told me, it's the hormones, and tons of women experience it. She said it will go away after baby is born. Wow - wasn't expecting that one!


  1. Congrats on the house!!!
    Wow, hair on your stomach, one more fun side effect!!!

  2. congrats on your new home!!! so happy things are going so well for all the D's!! hope you post picks of the nursery!!
