The Journey to a Little One to Call Our Own

One gal's experiences dealing with IF, pregnancy, the birth of our first son, parenthood, and doing it all over again with our second son... here is our journey.

Friday, February 24, 2012

I Made the Call

I called my OB. Asked for a prescription of Prometrium to jump-start AF. Not sure if she'll give it to me - I talked to a nurse and she's calling me back. When I went in for my 6-week postpartum check and told my OB that I wanted to conceive again ASAP, she warned me that I should wait a year to get pregnant to allow my body to heal from the C-section. This was before I told her I ran a 5K a mere two weeks after Max was born without her permission (they said no running/exercise for 6 weeks).

Healing time, sh-mealing time. I'm healed. Let's go. Not getting any younger.

I am feeling disappointed with my body. Why can't my body just be normal? I was dreading having to start this whole process over again... Prometrium, ovulation tracking (although, I do have the ever-so-trusty CBFM... time to brush the dust off that bad boy), and timed BD. Why can't it just be easy?

I know it's not going to be easy, which is why I bit the bullet and decided that I need to take charge. No more sitting back and waiting for things to occur that should just happen naturally. I've proven that my body doesn't really do many things naturally.

Game on.


  1. I came upon your blog from another blog. I too just started TTC #2 recently so I thought I would say hi! I too had to take provera (but have taken prometrium before) to jump start AF before this cycle so I konw how you feel with taking that! Best wishes for you with TTC#2.

  2. I hope it kick starts everything and baby #2 is easier to achieve than baby#1, but just as cute!!!!!

  3. How funny that you are in hr! I always wondered if you worked at target (I used to work there)!!!
    I would love to talk hr sometime!!!

  4. You are my kind of gal! Not because I'm ready to start trying for #2 yet, but because you just get after it. I love that! And you work at Target? That is one of my favorite places and the first place I brought the little guy when he was big enough for house arrest to be over.

    So glad I made you laugh in Minnesota. That is always, always, always why I post!

  5. LOL. I hope they give it to you. And actually, I've had 2 c-sectionos, and the year rule is really that you want to have a year in between births... SO, as long as your baby is at least 3 months old, then you're golden. :) Good luck!!!

  6. I hope you have an easier time conceiving #2. We are in a rush for our #2 and will be going ahead with IVF this month (after 2 failed IUIs for #2). I hope they give you the provera!

  7. I just came across your blog and we are starting to talk about trying for baby #2 here shortly as well. Hopefully it is way easier the 2nd time around...(wishful thinking maybe!)
    Your little one is SO precious! Our boys are about a month apart!
