The Journey to a Little One to Call Our Own

One gal's experiences dealing with IF, pregnancy, the birth of our first son, parenthood, and doing it all over again with our second son... here is our journey.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

It's Been Far Too Long... But Here's Some Updates Anyways :)

It's been far too long.  Reasons I can offer for being so absent from my blog include: extreme busyness, exhaustion at night when I finally do sit down to tinker around on the internet, chasing a running toddler around my house, etc., etc., etc.

To say that life with a toddler is busy is an absolute understatement.  Our little Max is not so little anymore...  he is over 13 months, running all over the place, over 30 pounds, and the absolute center of this family.  The little things he picks up every day are so amazing (learning to turn the light switch on and off was yesterday's big win), and I count my blessings all the time.

On the baby #2 front... things are going really, really well.  We found out the gender two weeks ago... and it's another BOY!  I thought all along that this little one was a boy - I just had this feeling that was so strong (something I never felt when carrying Max).  And we wanted another boy... for Max to grow up with a brother 17 months younger than him is more than I ever could have prayed for.  However, there was a period of time - a couple hours or so - after we found out during the ultrasound that I sat back and thought, "Huh.  So this means we will never have a daughter."  This is definitely our last child - for many reasons... another post for another day... and to have that moment of reflection really made me pause and think about what our lives will be like.  If you would have told me three years ago that I would soon be the mother of two boys, I would have never believed it.  But, boy am I happy now :)  I am so incredibly thankful for this little guy growing inside of me, and we can not wait for him to join his big brother.

The only "pregnancy scare" so far has been that, after my 20 week ultrasound, I had a regular monthly check-up where my doctor reviewed the results of the ultrasound with us.  Our little guy has a cyst on his skull - not brain, thankfully - which are pretty common (many babies have them, but they fade within weeks, so depending on when the ultrasound takes place within a mother's pregnancy, who knows if they show up on a scan).  I had all of the 12-week screening completed, and our chances for the chromosomal abnormalities were 1 in 10,000.  The 12-week screening "overrides" what would be seen via ultrasound, since the screening is way more accurate by testing my blood.  So - she left it up to us... no action needed, or decide to have a Level 2 ultrasound.  We chose the latter, and had another ultrasound last week.  The cyst is still there, and looks "normal."  We met with a neonatal specialist doctor, and he basically told us that our baby looks great and the cyst is not a concern at all based on my 12-week screen and additional bloodwork they requested I have completed.  Our chances of chromosomal abnormalities are now back to the 1 in 10,000 ratio because we opted for the additional measuring via ultrasound and bloodwork with nothing found.

The whole Level 2 thing would have freaked me out during my pregnancy with Max, but this time I feel so much different.  Everything is completely out of my hands and I have to trust that my baby is totally healthy.

Other than that, not a whole lot else going on.  I have a whole other post to write another day regarding my plans for returning to work after Baby #2 is born.  This year of full-time working and full-time motherhood has been a LOT, and with two kids under two years old, I truly don't know how it all will come together.  So, my company is allowing me to create a job share with my current role - which will be AWESOME.  My pay will be 60% of what I make today, but I will only work 3 days a week - likely Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays.  I've been financially planning for this type of transition since before Max was born, and I know we are in a good spot - it's just taking the leap of faith to make it happen.  I know I will be a better mother if I am able to dedicate a couple of days to my children, and I know I will be a better person at work if I am only expected to deliver 60% of what I am today within 3 days per week.  I am thinking of it as the best of both worlds - I absolutely love my job and company and can not imagine leaving, but I need a bit of a break.  I also know that I would never want to be a stay-at-home-mother full-time, but I think this whole family could benefit from more mother-and-kids time.  So, more to come on that and my upcoming transition soon.

I check all of your blogs frequently!  I typically do so when I am on the bus - in between where I park my car and my workplace - therefore, making it impossible to comment.  I am planning to get some comments out there tomorrow.  I am following all of your journeys!

Happy Autumn Day :)

Mrs. D