The Journey to a Little One to Call Our Own

One gal's experiences dealing with IF, pregnancy, the birth of our first son, parenthood, and doing it all over again with our second son... here is our journey.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Just Truckin' Along

It's CD 11, and there's not much to report this month... yet.

I'm back to using CBFM and hoping that it can even detect a peak this month. I've been away from my beloved CBFM for several months now, and it was weird to start peeing on testing sticks and sticking them into a machine again this month. I am just praying that my body is back on track and we can actually get this whole conceiving thing going. I am tired of talking about it, stressing out about it, and tracking every my every move.

I just want a baby. Please, Lord, help us. We are strong people, but it just feels emotionally that we can't take this much longer.

On a fun note, my good friend, Katie, who is so wonderful about checking in on me and reading this blog, turns the big 3-0 today. We are two months apart in age, grew up next door to each other until we were about 6 years old, and both have sisters who are almost 6 years younger than we are (they are also two months apart in age). We lived two houses apart, and not one childhood memory I have doesn't have Katie in it. Katie's family moved away when we were in kindergarten, and the one memory I have of my father ever shedding tears was when he hugged Katie's dad the night they left (my mother and I were crying, too, which, in turn made my baby sister start crying). My best friend didn't just move away; everyone in my family was touched by their family, and it's amazing that we still have a special bond with them today.

When I created this blog, I thought about how to start it off, and couldn't think of a better way than to recall my first memory of wanting to be a mother... back when Katie and I were kids, playing in my basement. Check out my first post where I reference our special friendship.

Happy birthday, my friend. I can only pray that my children have the same long-standing, over many years and many miles, true friendship that we have.

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