The Journey to a Little One to Call Our Own

One gal's experiences dealing with IF, pregnancy, the birth of our first son, parenthood, and doing it all over again with our second son... here is our journey.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Date Night

Mr. D brought me out for a date night last night, and it was so incredibly needed... for both of us.

We went to our new secret find... a super-small restaurant that allows customers to bring in their own beverages. For us, this meant a couple bottles of Pinot Noir. It is quaint, authentic, Asian-meets-middle-eastern-meets-chic-fancy-cuisine at really cheap prices, and it is AMAZING. The whole restaurant has 8 tables total and can hold a maximum of 32 customers at a time. A reservation is a must... however, many passers-by came in last night to see if they could score a spot, which couldn't be accommodated on this particular Friday night. The best part is that not a lot of people yet know about this restaurant - you would drive right by it in the busy city and never see the small reference of a sign. If you live in the Twin Cities area and want a tip for amazing food, post a comment and I will let you know where to go (and my recommendations of what to try)!

After our bottles of wine and wonderful food, we stopped at a fun old-school-mafia-type-bar (that we've been to many times and LOVE) for a night-cap... a dirty martini for me and white russian for Mr. D. It was at this bar last night that I fell in love with Mr. D all over again.

We talked about 2010 so far... our pregnancy, the miscarriage, our heartbreak, job changes, saving more money than we spent, selling our house, numerous doctor and specialist visits, looking for our next move, my procedure last week, and my recent recovery. It's been a lot. There have been terrible events and wonderful blessings that we've experienced this year. It's been stressful. It's been emotional. There have been tears shed, and not just from me.

And we still don't have the one dream we've been trying to accomplish for so long... a child.

The best part is that Mr. D brought all of this up... it was like he was trying to emotionally get everything off his chest. And that's when I realized, all over again, that I'm not in this alone. He lives and breathes this just as much as I do... he just shows it differently, and picks-and-chooses the times that he really wants to talk in-depth with me about what we are going through.

It's at the times that he lets it all out that I love him all over again.

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