The Journey to a Little One to Call Our Own

One gal's experiences dealing with IF, pregnancy, the birth of our first son, parenthood, and doing it all over again with our second son... here is our journey.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Happy ICLW & 11 Weeks!

Happy ICLW! If you're new to my site - welcome! So glad you found my blog. If you've been here before, welcome back, my friend! If you're interested in our whole, long TTC story, check out our timeline on the right-hand side. Here's a quick overview:

Been actively TTC for two years. Miscarried once. Been through months and months of HPTs, rounds of prometrium, Clomid, vitamins, herbs, progesterone, etc. I've had an HSG and lapraoscopy surgery. Mr. D (my wonderful husband) is not the problem - it was all me and my blocked tube... maybe tubes... never really did learn the whole story because my RE wasn't really sure post-surgery. Mr. D and I were shocked and over-the-moon to find out we are pregnant on 12/2/10, right before starting our RE's recommended procedures. God is good!

Speaking of being pregnant, I am 11 weeks today. CRAZY. The timeframe between when we found out we were pregnant and now seriously feels like a year... WAY worse than the infamous 2WW. I think it's because we have only told a few people that we are expecting... given my previous miscarriage and emotional aftermath of dealing with the age-old questions we IFers love ("why isn't this working???" and "what's wrong with me/us?"), we vowed to keep this as secret as possible. I think about miscarriage all the time, although I have to admit that as I get closer to passing the 1st trimester, those thoughts are thankfully becoming less and less frequent. I think I was scared to get too close to this pregnancy in fear that I would end up being an emotional mess again. But as my pregnancy symptoms ramped up (extreme tiredness, amazingly-aching boobs, constant peeing) and my tummy has started to fill out a bit, I've realized that we've wanted nothing else but this baby for a LONG time and he/she deserves all of the attention in the world.

So, hello, Week 11! We've made it another week and I can't believe it. My tummy is definitely filled out - nobody else can tell, but Mr. D and I both can see the mini-raised-bump. It's amazing. I think pregnancy pants will be needed in a few weeks.

This week, I really turned the corner with regards to symptoms. I can now stay awake past 8:30 p.m. (for the past 6-7 weeks, I've literally been sleeping by 7:30 p.m.), only get up to pee 1-2 times per night (as compared to 3-5 times), and although my boobs have grown a whole size already, the don't ache nearly as much. So, here's to hoping I am turning the corner as I round out the first trimester!

Next Dr. Appointment is January 31 for our NT scan and we can't wait to see the little bean again :)

Have a great week, everyone... and happy ICLW commenting!


  1. Here from ICLW (#207). Congrats on your pregnancy! It sounds like all is going well.

  2. Congrats on your pregnancy! I'm so glad this one is going so well. I'm about a week ahead of you ;)

  3. I am glad things are going well and that you are feeling better. Your thoughts about waiting until the first trimester is over to relax has really made me think about my impatience during this 2ww. There is going to be waiting involved every step of the way so I need to get used to it as best as I can!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Congrats on making it to 11 weeks! I will be following from here on out :).

  5. Hi

    Visiting you after your comment on blog!

    We have two things in common, we are pregnant and work in HR!

    Congrats on your BFP and I can't wait to continue reading!!!

  6. Happy ICLW (#16). I had a miracle pregnancy too. My son is now 16 months old. I will follow your story through pregnancy and parenting!

    love and wishes

  7. Congrats on the pregnancy, and I'm glad to hear the 1st trimester wasn't too hard on you.

  8. Yay for week 11! That's so exciting!

  9. Here from ICLW...congrats on being week 11!!
