The Journey to a Little One to Call Our Own

One gal's experiences dealing with IF, pregnancy, the birth of our first son, parenthood, and doing it all over again with our second son... here is our journey.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome, 2011!

2010 Year in Review:

January: Got pregnant! Almost as soon as I got the BFP, we learned we would be losing our baby. Miscarried. Devastated.
February: Sad, confused, and AF never showed up.
March: Doctor prescribed Prometrium, Clomid, and an action plan of next steps. Officially diagnosed with unexplained IF (knew that was coming). Took Prometrium, Clomid: BFN.
April: Clomid: BFN. Started blogging.
May: Mrs. D takes promotion at work. Higher dose of Clomid: BFN.
June: Even higher dose of Clomid: BFN. HSG scheduled. Mr. D and I have saved a lot of money at this point, and decided, since we’re not pregnant, let’s try to sell our house that we hated so we can buy a house that we love. Spent the month cleaning, organizing, storing, and throwing.
July: Horrible HSG (passed out, had seizure) and put house on the market. Ten days later, we had a signed purchase agreement from the new owners. Started with RE. Clomid: BFN.
August: Supposed to have Lapraoscopy surgery, but due to quick timing of our move, we pushed to September. Saved more money and closed on our house. Moved to temporary condo month-to-month so that we can purchase next spring when we don’t feel as pressured with all of this TTC stuff.
September: Lap scheduled mid-month was cancelled due to AF arriving 14 days early. WTF. Lap completed towards end of month.
October: RE meeting… weighed recommended next steps of IUI or IVF. Decided to wait for November to make a decision. Would likely start January 2011. Didn’t ovulate because of surgery.
November: Ovulated… wait a minute, why isn’t AF here?
December: BFP on December 2! Currently 8 weeks pregnant after 2 betas, 2 ultrasounds, and hearing/seeing our little bean’s heartbeat. We are ecstatic and praying that our little one stays healthy and safe!

I don’t exactly make New Year’s resolutions, but I do go through a mental process of determining what I would like to keep and change about how I manage my life. Below is my Top 3 Start, Stop, Continue List. Enjoy!

- Calling my parents and sister more frequently
- Being more open to sharing our IF struggles with people I know in real life
- Joining the 21st century by adopting technology with a data phone, Facebook, etc.

- Worrying about miscarrying our baby and truly trust that God will take care of us
- Living only for the future, and live life today for what it was meant to be
- Trying to be a perfectionist at work and realize I am doing a great job

- Working with Financial Planner, saving money, and using our money markets to support our dreams
- Engaging in my professional work and aspiring for the next level
- Engaging in our Catholic faith and loving going to Mass and praying

... and, of course, continue taking care of our little bean :)

To my blog friends, THANK YOU for your friendship in 2010. I had no idea what to expect when I started by blog in April, and truly just thought it would be a place for me to write for myself. I love the support of this community and can’t tell you how much it means to me to read your kind comments. I never thought that comments on a blog would really mean that much, but I take it to mean that you are a part of this journey with me. Thank you for your friendship! I look forward to staying connected in 2011.

Here’s to a brand new year – it’s going to be a great one!

Mrs. D